
The Benefits of Spot a Sparrow!
13 Mar 2015
The Spot a Sparrow project aims not only to gain useful scientific data, but also to help promote an interest in Maltese nature. Indeed, people have been getting involved throughout the community, and a wide range of benefits are becoming apparent. Four months since the launch of Spot a Sparrow, we’ve had hundreds of roost…
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New year, new roosts
19 Jan 2015
After a break during Christmas, Spot a Sparrow is back on, and we are out on the field to verify your reports. New roost sites have been found in Zejtun, Rabat, Mdina, Sliema and more – but the roosting season is not over yet! This week the first Inspire teams will join the BirdLife Malta ones, and…
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First weeks of spotting sparrows
10 Dec 2014
Since the project started, our citizen scientists have been out and about, and we have received more than 70 reports of sparrow roosting in trees all over Malta. Some reports have identified the largests roost sites on the islands- the ones in Rabat and Victoria – but some others spotted less evident roosts along large streets,…
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Spotted a sparrow? Let us know!
28 Nov 2014
BirdLife Malta and The Inspire Foundation today launched ‘Spot a Sparrow – Report a Roost’, a joint project to map Malta’s sparrows, and are calling for the public to help protect the birds’ roosting trees by reporting sparrow sightings in their area. Spanish Sparrows (għasfur tal-bejt in Maltese) are one of Malta’s most numerous and…
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Welcome to Spot a Sparrow!
28 Nov 2014
We are very happy to tell you that Friday afternoon our new citizen-science project Spot a Sparrow was officially launched in Rabat! Spokespersons from both BirdLife Malta and Inspire – the Foundation for Inclusion met in St. Dominic Square to present the project. Flocks of sparrows reach the oaks around St. Dominic every afternoon before…
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