Spot A Sparrow is a citizen science project that will involve the Maltese community in researching one of the most common urban birds in Malta, the Spanish sparrow.
Spot A Sparrow hu proġett ta’ xjenza tat-triq, li se jinvolvi l-poplu Malti fir-riċerka dwar l-Għasfur tal-Bejt, wieħed mill-aktar għasafar komuni fl-ambjenti mibnija f’Malta.
The project is run by BirdLife Malta, in association with the Inspire Foundation, and will collect information on Spanish sparrows across the towns of Malta and Gozo.
We are especially interested in mapping sparrow roosts, where sparrows gather in Autumn and Winter evenings to sleep. Trees used for roosting are easy to identify, as birds get really loud right before going to sleep – and it’s important that we know where they are, so that they can be better protected.
Il-proġett qiegħed jitmexxa minn BirdLife Malta, b’kollaborazzjoni mal-Fondazzjoni Inspire, u se jiġbor tagħrif dwar l-Għasfur tal-Bejt minn madwar Malta u Għawdex.
L-għan tal-proġett hu li tinħoloq mappa tar-roosts, iġifieri l-postijiet fejn fil-ħarifa u x-xitwa l-Għasfur tal-Bejt jinġabar kull filgħaxija biex jorqod f’siġar kbar. Faċli li ssib is-siġar użati minn tal-Bejt għall-irqad – u hu importanti li nkunu nafu fejn qegħdin, sabiex dal-postijiet ikunu jistgħu jiġu protetti aħjar.